Hi Bill!
The Bourgeois Vintage D arrived Friday night. My concerns were relieved when I unpacked the guitar and found that it is in perfect condition. I held the guitar to the light and could not fine one little scratch not even on the pick guard.
I tuned it up and I knew the first 5 minutes that it was a keeper. I could feel the super focused punch in my body. It is very loud and extremely balanced. The low end is clear and powerful. The action is just perfect. I have been working all weekend and have not been playing the guitar. But, like I said I knew the first 5 minutes it was the guitar I wanted. The guitar is beautiful.
I bought a new Bourgeois Country Boy Deluxe from the Music Emporium in Lexington MA. On 2/3/11. They did not have a Vintage D in stock and that is how I found your shop. This is the first time I bought a guitar over the internet and I glad that it was a good experience. This guitar is a perfect match to CBD. The CBD has the same super focused punch that I could feel in my body. Everything felt exactly the same as the CBD and that was what I was looking for.
After visiting your web site which is REAL nice and speaking with you and your ensuring e-mails that is when I said I will take a chance and order the guitar. You also have a good return policy. I thank you and your staff for the excellent service. I would definitely do business with you again. The t-shirt is real nice. Talk to you soon.
A couple of pictures of the CBD attached.
Thanks Bill
JT / Enfield CT